01952 324430

Our commitment to provide outstanding care for our families in Newport

As a newly registered setting we are awaiting our first official Ofsted inspection and grading. Our commitment to you as a parent is that we will always strive to provide outstanding care in everything we do.

As a parent, choosing the right childcare for your child and making the right decision can seem completely overwhelming, especially when there are many options available.

Our most valued resource – ‘The Team’ are experienced, qualified, and knowledgeable practitioners who are committed to creating a happy, safe, and friendly environment rich in learning opportunities and adventures.

The Virtual Tour

It is likely your first tour of the setting will be via the virtual tour available on our website.

This is a snapshot of the environment and a chance for you to look around. But we do recognise that as important as the environment is, there is so much more that contributes to your final decision making.

The months that have led to this point and future planning have a high focus on being ‘outstanding in everything we do’. We are proud that we strive every single day to bring the absolute best possible start in life to every child in our care.

As you will know from your tour of Novostart, we operate from a large ground floor building with access to two very different outdoor areas.

Outdoor learning – Back to Nature

The newly established wilderness area complements the existing play area by providing two very different environments for the children to develop their learning. The play area is accessed in all weathers via the inventor’s room offering opportunities for free flow between the indoors and outdoors.

This is important to us as a setting as we recognise the importance of outdoor learning and the benefits it has on children’s health and wellbeing.

Novostart outdoor area

Natural resources enhance defined areas suitable to the ages and stages of the children. A large indoor sandpit, sensory room, indoor physical space and wilderness area are just a few of the things that we are proud to provide to the children we care for.

All children become familiar with all areas of the setting as older children and younger children have opportunities to mix with the support of all the familiar faces that look after them, this paves the way for smooth transitions throughout the nursery setting.

At the same time consistency and continuity is also an important factor in supporting self-esteem and growing confidence.

Quality of Education

As the setting develops, strong emphasis is to be based around ‘what makes an outstanding setting’.

Strong focus has and will be placed on how we can implement exemplary practice within a rich learning environment whilst providing excellent care and services to our children and their families.

Quality education and teaching is delivered through practitioners’ strong understanding of not only the EYFS but also the characteristics of effective learning (COEL), an element of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

The focus of this is the processes in which children learn rather than what they learn or the product. To learn skills through investigation and exploration supports the development of thinking.

Baby reading

The discovery of different ways to do things if something did not quite work the first time, are skills that will support the children and their attitudes to future learning. Having opportunities to explore, create and investigate are crucial to learning and supporting children to engage in activities with high levels of concentration and interest.

Children are always encouraged to have a go, and knowledgeable practitioners are on hand to support the children and scaffold their learning to take it to the next step.

A wide range of loose parts and open-ended resources support open ended play as children are encouraged to choose what they use. Removing limitations in play enables children to express themselves creatively and play at their own level independently or alongside peers as they share their knowledge and learning experiences.

Such play has no instructions or end result, it encourages many skills including imagination, problem solving, critical thinking and curiosity.

 Our daily routines are packed with a wide range of learning opportunities and activities from the moment the children arrive until they leave – no time is wasted.

Behaviour, Attitudes & Personal Development

Children’s behaviour and learning is highly influenced by quality interactions. Successful interactions consider body language and good listening as well as the words we speak.

Child flour play

Practitioners engage with the children positively, calmly and model good use of the English language. Children are encouraged to develop their social skills by communicating and acting in positive ways and at appropriate levels.

Adults model the use of manners and positive phrases which are echoed throughout the setting. Children learn to respect their peers and their environment as they follow the rules and develop an understanding of the boundaries and expectations.

Through diligent planning and consistent routines children have access to many opportunities to learn new things, develop new skills, become independent, and develop behaviour, morals, and attitudes as they progress through their earliest years.

At Novostart it’s not only the children that learn – our qualified practitioners continue to learn too as they are encouraged to develop their own knowledge by updating their training, enhancing their qualifications and extending their understanding through both inhouse and external training opportunities.

There is always something to learn within the early years sector and it is vital that practitioners are committed and passionate for their vital role in giving children the best possible start in life.

Why is outstanding care important?

Children are a parent’s most valued possession. Choosing to put a child into childcare is sometimes not a choice, as families juggle work responsibilities.

Novostart Nursery image

Having the confidence that your child will be safe and well cared for is paramount. Knowing that your child is happy and content is reassuring, knowing your chosen childcare is committed to providing the best level of care and support for your child is a relief.

Knowing you choose us makes us proud!